Fear, He Is A Liar.

Fear.  The moment we decided to adopt and began talking out loud about adoption, fear began to creep in…

How are we going to afford adoption? No way, we can’t! It costs too much! Who has more than $25,000 just laying around? How are we going to finish all the mounds of paperwork? This is going to take forever! Something’s going to come up and we’re going to be denied! What is our caseworker going to think of us? We’re too young, too old, don’t have the right jobs, don’t have enough money. Our house is too small, too messy, too much dog hair! We should have hired someone to paint our house instead of DYI. Are we going to pass our home study? No way! We’re going to fail. When do we tell people we’re planning to adopt? We have to wait, we’re not going to be approved. What will people think? No one will support us. Is our profile book good enough? We shouldn’t have used that picture. Maybe our birth family letter is all wrong! We should have said this instead? Is anyone going to want us to be parents? Are we ever going to be chosen?


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A song by Zach Williams, titled Fear is a Liar, has been coming on the radio a lot lately, and I absolutely love it! It truly speaks to me and reminds me of the HOPE I have in Jesus.

“Fear, he is a liar
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
Cast your fear in the fire
‘Cause fear he is a liar.”

Fear is a Liar by Zach Williams

When asked about his song, Williams stated,

“We were calling out the devil for who he is, and reminding him that he was a liar, and that he has already been defeated. That was the idea for that song. I wanted something that people would relate to, and find hope in.” Williams continued, “For anybody who was struggling with fear or going through something, I hope this song gives them hope, to call the devil out.”

A lot has been happening lately to prove to us that Fear is a Liar! We can see God moving and working in our story!

1. If you’ve been following our blog, you know that we just held a REFIT® for a Reason Fundraiser! (Click here to read more about it.)  It was a HUGE success! We are so thankful to everyone for their support! We had the best group of ladies come out to dance, workout, and just fellowship.


A special THANK YOU to my sweet forever friend, Melissa, for dreaming about this day for months and making it such a huge success. You were amazing in every way. Everyone had the best time, and there have even been requests for another REFIT® class in the future. 😉


2. Last week, before REFIT®, Melissa and I sat down to dinner together. When she’s in town, we always try to make a point to visit. This visit was especially special because I got to meet her miracle baby boy, Nolan, for the first time. Isn’t he the cutest!

While we were eating, snuggling Nolan, and talking all things babies, God, and adoption, Justin and I received a very exciting email. And when I got home from dinner with Melissa, and opened up my email, I was completely overwhelmed. We received another GRANT! We are speechless and truly blessed to receive this grant from the Buescher Foundation. We applied for it back in February, and since then, we hadn’t heard anything. We just assumed we weren’t chosen. But while Melissa and I were talking about how God is continually working on our behalf, someone was typing up an email to congratulate us on our adoption journey and help us get one step closer to meeting our Happy Thought. Praise God! ‘Cause FEAR IS A LIAR!!!

3. God brought another exciting opportunity to us last week. A sweet, dear work friend of mine, also named Melissa :), sells Usborne Books & More and came to me with a great fundraising opportunity. We are partnering with Melissa to hold a Cards for a Cause Adoption Fundraiser.


What’s unique about Cards for a Cause, is it allows everyone to get something! For just $30 you get a box of 30 cards! What a great deal! Even cheaper than TJMaxx!!! You can choose from four different types of card boxes: All Occasion (2), Thanks & Blanks, and Kid Friendly. You pay the money up front and your box is ordered when the fundraiser ends in two weeks. Thanks you, Melissa, for joining of journey and helping us Bring Baby Bullock Home!

Will you become part of our story? It truly takes a village! If you’re interested in ordering a box of cards, just email us, call, text, or send us a message on Facebook! Below you can see what’s inside each box:

All Occasion 1All Occasion 2Thanks and BlanksKids Birthday Box

Click here to visit our Facebook Fundraising page for more information! 


God IS alive and working! We can feel Him!

And as Williams sings,

[God] “Let Your fire fall and cast out all my fears
Let Your fire fall, Your love is all I feel.”

And we choose to trust in the One who is already there. Some days the waiting is hard and as humans, sometimes fear tends to creep in ever so slightly. BUT… He knows our baby, sees our birth family, and is working to bring us all together! So, GO away fear!

Our hope is in Him,

Praise God,

‘Cause Fear, he is a Liar!”

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